Anjila Hjalsted

Environmental engineer and anthropologist at the Technical University, Denmark
Anjila Hjalsted is a Danish environmental engineer and anthropologist. Her research at the Technical University of Denmark has led her to publish a paper in a peer reviewed journal on the emerging topic of absolute sustainability. Along with her colleagues she has developed a methodology to define when something is actually sustainable, rather than just more sustainable than something else. Since its publication in 2020 her work has already been widely cited, and Anjila is passionate about clarifying what it means to be sustainable to help us focus our sustainability efforts where they matter most. Anjila works as a sustainability consultant with ClimatePartner in London, focusing on measuring and managing carbon emissions for financial services companies.
Talk: When is something sustainable?
When is something sustainable? Is better good enough? In this talk, Anjila Hjalsted answers these questions with the newest research on Absolute Sustainability. Anjila argues that a solid, science based definition is important to avoid misleading claims and confusion about what sustainability means, and to make clear what we should be aiming for to achieve a sustainable future.