Prof. Dr. Elina Eriksson

Associate Professor in Human-Computer Interaction, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Elina Eriksson is an Associate Professor in Human-Computer Interaction with a specialization in Sustainability at the Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design (MID), School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. She is also associated with Green Leap and Digital Futures at KTH. Her research concerns sustainable lifestyles and the pursuit of low carbon futures. Her research is often action-oriented and strives to support transitions to a more sustainable society through design interventions such as digital tools and workshop methods that can be applied to society at large. She also teaches about sustainability and ICT and conducts research on how to integrate sustainability in computing education.


  • Ecocide Law – a trojan horse for paradigmatic shift, also for computing.

    Elina Eriksson talk about Ecocide Law which is suggested to be added as a fifth crime to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in the Hague (ICC). This might seem far removed from computing – but in this talk Elina will elaborate on how Ecocide Law can be a lens to view the impacts of computing and perhaps even become a trojan horse for paradigmatic shift.

Talk from 2021 edition: From the past to the future – tools and design interventions for low carbon futures
Elina Eriksson will be presenting research on and with speculative design strategies in both ongoing and past projects. She will briefly touch upon energy fictions, using personas in design for sustainable lifestyles, as well as the novel futuring techniques of pastcasting and recasting (Bendor et al. 2021). Building on these futuring techniques, Elina will also present current research from the ongoing project “Beyond the event horizon: tools to explore local energy transformations”, in which the theoretical concepts of pastcasting and recasting are put into practice. The goal of the project is to develop a scenario-workshop methodology and to use it to carry out workshops that explore and support local energy transitions by helping local actors focus on,process, democratically anchor and expand "what is perceived to be possible". The methodology has been co-created together with the project partners from the Transition Network Sweden.

Bendor, R., Eriksson, E., & Pargman, D. (2021). Looking backward to the future: On past-facing approaches to futuring. Futures, 125, 102666.

Watch the talk here !