Sacha Hodencq

PhD in open and collaborative energy modelling and volunteers in the Low-Tech Lab Grenoble
Sacha Hodencq is a PhD in open and collaborative energy modelling. He also volunteers in the Low-Tech Lab Grenoble. After a post-doctoral mission on the questions of "Low-Tech" & ICT, he is currently a guest researcher at TU Berlin on the topic of Open Source Hardware. His current research also focuses on energy modelling and critical thinking.
Alternative approaches in research for sustainable futures and imaginaries: Openness, Commons & Low-tech
Thinking about sustainable futures now presupposes staying within planetary boundaries while ensuring decent and fair living conditions for all. This asks for a responsible research, regarding its practices and consequences. Open science can appear as way of making such research available to tackle the social and ecological challenges, yet, it still faces issues and limits. In this presentation, we will present the interests of open science approaches in research for sustainable futures, and explore how the concepts of Commons and "Low-Tech" can enable to tackle its shortcomings. We will then be able discuss how these can be applied in the ICT world.