François Briens

Independent researcher in socio-economics, currently working as an energy policy analyst in an international organisation
François Briens is an independent researcher in socio-economics, currently working as an energy policy analyst in an international organisation. He holds a master degree in engineering, a post master degree in energy system optimisation, and a PhD in economics and prospective studies. His PhD thesis was dedicated to the prospective assessement of degrowth scenarios for France, based on participative scenario buidling and macroeconomic-energy-environment modelling. He was awarded the "Prix de la thèse prospective " by the Fondation 2100 in 2021. He is administrator of the association Sciences Citoyennes. His research interests include critical socioeconomic analysis of economic growth and development, prospective studies, energy systems, post-growth economics, and tools for democracy.
Talk: From futureless growth to growthless futures: reflexions on economics and technology for post-growth societies
A growing body of literature highlights the ambivalence of modern technologies and the role of economic growth in the current culural, socioeconomic and environmental crises. Yet, the green growth narrative, which bets on technological innovation to decouple economic growth from its environmental impacts, remains the mainstream institutional paradigm. In this session, we will first discuss some of the main shortfalls of the green growth narrative, questionning in particular the potential of technological innovation in addressing the environmental crisis. Building on this critique,we will then explore alternative post-growth narratives, discuss their possible socioeconomic implications and question the role of technology along these pathways. We will in particular highlight some key criteria and conditions to guide and assess the relevance of technology uses and innovations on a journey towards socially and environmentally sustainable and democratic societies.

 Watch the talk here !

 View the slides here !

Panel Debate: Building bridges between societal actors: which role for ICT in a faster transition?

The goal of this panel is to explore the perception of four sectors - namely academia, industry, politics and civil society - on the role of ICT in a faster transition. For this purpose, we gather five speakers with area of expertise in these different sectors. Participants will have the opportunity to challenge their vision, by asking them to position themselves on two commonly envisioned pathways for ICT in the transition: "Green ICT" and "ICT for Green". Concepts existing outside these two boxes will also be explored in the discussion, brought by both participants and speakers. This first part of the debate aims at reflecting on the compatibility – or incompatibility – of visions between the sectors, and the causes behind possible differences.

In a second time, we will explore existing and possible bridges / collaborations between sectors, regarding ICT trajectories. What currently hinders such collaborations, and what are the nature of the identified obstacles? We will try to point out concrete steps to enhance and increase such collaborations. Eventually, we will attempt to sum up the shared values or statements which could be used to build a "common vision" between the different sectors.

 Watch the panel here !