Tapani Jokinen

Design consultant at Fraunhofer IZM
Founder of TJ-Design
Tapani Jokinen is an internationally recognized strategic and circular design expert. His 25 years of extensive international experience in consumer electronics and strategic design give him a unique insight to build circular design capabilities, managing complex businesses, driving sustainability-led innovation, and developing products and services, which answers to the growing global demand for more sustainable products. Tapani mentors companies in their transition from linear to circular economy by anticipate the sustainable futures and understand circular business opportunities, which helps clients to set up and deliver their circular economy strategy and make them more resilient with upcoming changes. Besides his work as a design consultant at Fraunhofer IZM, he is the founder of TJ-Design, a creative consulting firm that fuses strategic innovation and design with sustainability business practices. He was Head of the Design Portfolio and Strategy at Microsoft / Nokia, where he was initial designer behind the iconic Nokia 3310. Tapani is one of the authors of the Ecodesign Learning Factory program, as part of which he teaches and conducts training modules, innovation workshops, and lectures on circular design in seminars and conferences.
Eco-design workshop
Applying eco-design tools and methods in practice: ICT use-case challenge.