Guillaume Pitron Journalist and documentary makerAuthor of "The rare metals war: the hidden face of the energy and digital transition"
Simon Van Walle Assistant Manager of the Market Intelligence and Business Research (MIBR)Department for the Precious Metals Refining branch of Umicore
Thierry Ngosso Political philosopher interested in global justice, climate change, human rights and migration
Céline Verchère Co-leader of the "Impacts, Uses and Society" groupInterdisciplinary Institute for Technological InnovationUMI LN2 (Nanotechnologies and Nanosystems Laboratory)University of Sherbrooke
Karine Samuel Professor of Management at the Grenoble Institute of Technology and Management (Grenoble INP)
Lorenz Hilty Professor at the Department of Informatics at the University of Zurich (UZH) and Sustainability Delegate of UZH
Rodrigo Martins Full professor in Materials Science Department of Faculty of Science and Technology of New University of Lisbon
Benjamin Sprecher Assistant professor at the Department of Industrial Ecology at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) of Leiden University
David Sanjuan Delmas Expert in the evaluation of the environmental impacts of products and services Postdoc researcher in Ghent University