Tina Ringenson

Postdoctoral researcher at the Uppsala Smart Energy Research group at Uppsala University, Sweden
Tina Ringenson is a postdoctoral researcher at the Uppsala Smart Energy Research group at Uppsala University, Sweden. She has a PhD in Planning and Decision Analysis with a specialisation in Environmental Strategic Analysis, but sees herself as an undisciplinary sustainability researcher. Originally schooled in urban engineering and planning with a strong personal and professional interest in digitalisation, she is interested in the relationship between humans, urban environments and digital technologies, and how to support sustainability in their interactions, now as well as in a possibly more unstable future. She teaches about ICT & sustainability, and about academic writing.
Talk: Sustainability and ICT: Impacts, state of problems, and finding our ways forward
Digital ICT is often called “smart” – inarguably desirable yet somehow value-neutral, and able to circumvent societal and environmental problems without much change. Furthermore, digital ICT is often spoken of as developing according to natural laws, rather than through human decisions – just like the economy. But neither of these systems is naturally given, and we need to make the right decisions on how to form and use them.
This talk briefly introduces the concept of the Anthropocene and how it is connected to – and perhaps inaccurate in relation to – World economy. It outlines the problems and opportunities of digital technology. It calls for re-examination of our view of economic and technical development, and for reflection on each of ours role in the current environmental and social crisis.
Watch the talk here !
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Panel Debate: What can we learn from X-disciplinarity to effectively integrate ICT for mobility in a city?
For decades, mobility in the Global North evolved around individual motorised transportation. This form of mobility is recently becoming ``smarter,'' with autonomous transport systems and ICT support for various modes of transportation being promoted by industry players and policy makers alike. In this panel we want to discuss the role that ICT needs to play in future communities, specifically with respect to sustainably organising and maintaining mobility and mobility infrastructure. We want to focus on different facets of sustainability, including e.g. environmental sustainability, inclusion, and social aspects. We understand that a comprehensive perception of sustainable ICT for future mobility can only be developed in an x-disciplinary (i.e., multi-, trans-, and interdisciplinary) way that includes expertise far beyond the narrow realm of technology and engineering, and we want to explore how these aspects can be addressed develop the supporting ICT solutions for and with all stakeholders.
Watch the panel here !